Profession or heart? Talent or work? Ambition or vocation? Salsa or folklore? The answer is – all of that! There isn’t any choice or any compromise. There is but one thing in Lira Dance’s performance company – LOVE! The Love for dance art brings to the dance hall talented, industrious, open-minded, positive and creative dancers and choreographers. A unique amalgam of artistic people who perform on domestic and world stages, and will help all your company staff to the dance floor, and will make you want a second wedding or a second jubilee. They will keep you up till the small hours in nights to remember.
This is the professional dance troupe Lira Dance.
Perfection is at the core of the performances and guarantees unforgettable celebrations charging with emotion every guest.
The constant striving of choreographers and dancers after the different and the unique leads to artistic achievement.
Lira Dance Company creates its show programmes also with intermingled genres, Bulgarian dances, Russian, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Romanian and other peoples’ dances, classics, hot salsa and romantic bachata – for personal moments like weddings, baptism, graduation balls, birthdays, name days, as well as for professional business events like team building, company parties, opening of trade sites, stores, malls, hotels, business buildings, opening of various events – international exhibitions and fairs, processions, reviews and presentations.
The choreographers of the Dance Company work with renowned Bulgarian singers, performers and artists, and produce choreographies for their concerts and shows, musical videos, films and advertisements.
The rich variety in the repertoire features original dances, created out of an admixture of various styles.
The Company participated in TV programmes, in concerts with renowned Bulgarian performers, companies parties, as well as special events like weddings, baptizings, etc. The Company took part in the holiday programme “on March 3rd with…” on Bulgarian National Television, the New Year Eve programme on BTV, “Visiting prof. Vuchkov” on TV2, “On Sunday with…” on BNT, “Wives” on NTV, “Women talk about…” on TV7 and others.
Celebrated Bulgarian performers like Elitsa Todorova and Stoyan Yankulov, Mimi Ivanova and Razvigot Popov, Alexander Alexandrov – Alex have appreciated the professionalism and often chosen Lira Dance Company for any dance contribution to their performances and in making videos.
In 2011 Lira Dance dancers took on stage together with Elitsa Todorova at the World Culture Festival in the Olympic Stadium in Berlin, and the choreography of the composition for the 1300 Bulgarians who danced in the stadium was created by the choreographer in Bulgarian folklore dances and art manager of Lira Dance Group Company – Loretta Dimitrova.
If you would like to get bewitched in a dance without limits, do not miss the opportunity to delight in the wonderful dancers of Lira Dance Company.
All performances of the Company are subject to negotiating and specifying in view of fully satisfying both parties. For regular clients, sponsors and other partners, Lira Group OOD offers preferential prices and conditions. For enquiries and information please use the contact information.
References: DB Schenker Bulgaria, Zagorka AD, Hotels and Management, American College in Culture Studies, Contract City, Marketing 411, Chiesi Bulgaria, Cargill and others have enjoyed the specially tailored artistic performances of the Company.
“За мен е удоволствие да представя компанията Lira Dancе по повод съвместната работа с екипа на Heineken Zagorka Brewery при тийм билдинга във форма на танцов уъркшоп април 2012г.
Хoреографията на Lira Dance e оригинална и съвместява отлично музика, фигури и пространство. Инструкторите успяват да интегрират емоционалните и артистични аспекти така, че танцуващите по-лесно сами да усвоят движенията. Те мотивират всички участници да вложат усилие и чувство в изпълнението на танца си, и да се забавляват заедно в едно незабравимо преживяване.
За мен е удоволствие да препоръчам Lira Dance заради техния професионализъм, страст, ентусиазъм и чудесна хореография при събития от всякакъв характер, професионален или личен.”
Innovation Manager, Heineken Zagorka Brewery